Is this labor?
Episodes,  Is this labor?,  Labor Support,  Why Hire A Doula

Episode 3: Is This Labor?

Is this labor? This is one of the most common questions doulas receive from our clients.

From Braxton-hicks to spotting to irregular contractions, how labor may begin is as varied as the person having a baby. Yet, understanding the overall labor process and the stages of labor can help growing families assess where they may be in the overall labor process.

While early labor is often the longest part of labor, it is also where contractions are further apart, shorter, and less painful. This stage often results in the question, “Is this labor?”

Active labor is where things start to happen. Contractions are coming closer together, are more predictable, last longer, and can cause you to stop what you’re doing and give your total focus to the contraction until it is over.

Transitional labor is the point at which labor is the most intense. It’s normal to want to quit. To want to go home. Yet while it is the most intense, it’s also the shortest part of labor for many.

The next two stages are pushing and the birth of the placenta. While pushing looks different depending on the individual and their unique circumstances, it is often where many birthing individuals feel most productive.

Come join us as we help you learn about the stages of labor and how to navigate them confidently.