• placenta encapsulation

    Episode 10: Placenta Encapsulation – Location Matters

    When it comes to placenta encapsulation, who you choose to process your placenta matters. The placenta is an organ. An organ that carries all of the biohazardous risks that any other organ or meat carries. How it is processed, and the location in which it happens is foundational to a safe process. When considering the encapsulation, you may picture a stainless steel location, like a commercial kitchen. But the reality is most individuals who perform encapsulation are doing so in their own homes. Typically their own kitchen or garage. While this can seem harmless on the surface, many factors can impact the quality of the process and the finished capsules.…

  • Episode 9: Recovering from Traumatic Birth

    TW: Discussions of trauma surrounding childbirth and neonatal loss. Trauma surrounding childbirth can come in many forms. Physical and emotional trauma is the most common, but the perception of a threat to oneself or the baby can also result in trauma. Childbirth is one of the great unknowns. How the birth of your baby may unfold is unpredictable for most pregnant individuals. Especially for those who desire a vaginal birth. Individuals who have experienced previous trauma are at an increased risk for trauma surrounding childbirth. Along with those who have existing anxiety or panic disorder. Trauma can result when labor doesn’t go to plan or expectations surrounding how labor and…

  • Episode 8: Postpartum Doulas – What do they do?

    Postpartum doulas are innovators of support and masters of adaptability. The particular challenges your family may face after birth are as varied as you are. But there are commonalities amongst the families we work with. As postpartum doulas, we have the experience and resources to help you and your family find the path of least resistance as you recover from birth and navigate life with your new baby. Your postpartum doula can minimize stress and frustration and increase confidence. We focus on your bond with your baby and how you are handling this transition into life with this new tiny human. We often receive calls from growing families who ask:…

  • Episode 7: Five Common Doula Myths

    Ask 10 people about doulas, and you’ll likely hear at least one of the common doula myths among the responses. Doulas are like midwives. They are only for those who plan to have an unmedicated birth. Doulas hate hospitals and doctors. The possibilities are endless. While some of the myths may apply to some doulas because they had to start somewhere, right? There are far more doulas today that do not fit these common myths and stereotypes. In this episode, we address five of the most common doula myths: I have a supportive partner; I don’t need a doula. Doulas are the same as midwives. Doulas can’t support those who…

  • Pregnancy Symptoms

    Episode 6: Pregnancy Symptoms You Should Never Ignore

    When it comes to pregnancy, there’s no doubt that it brings a host of physical and emotional sensations. Many of which you’ve likely never experienced. With all the “weird” that is happening to your body, it’s hard to know which pregnancy symptoms are normal and which to be concerned about. Many pregnant individuals don’t want to bother their providers. They hesitate to call or go in to be checked when they have a new symptom. But ask any provider. They’d rather you call and determine it is nothing vs. it being something that you shouldn’t have ignored. In this episode, we discuss five pregnancy symptoms that shouldn’t be ignored. Vaginal…

  • Episode 5: Choosing A Prenatal Care Provider

    One of the first decisions you make when you find out you are pregnant is who you will hire as your prenatal care provider. For some, an established relationship with a trusted gynecologist may make this an easy choice. Others may find themselves searching for the perfect provider to provide their prenatal care and to facilitate their birth. You may have a preference for an obstetrician, or perhaps you prefer a midwife. Regardless of your choice, the individual you pick will significantly influence where you will give birth and what options are available to you as you navigate pregnancy and birth. As doulas, we recommend giving some thought to what…

  • Two grandparents holding and admiring their new grandchild.

    Episode 4: When Parents and Grandparents Collide

    Having a grandchild is often one of those peak moments in a grandparent’s life. There is typically a lot of excitement surrounding welcoming a new baby into the family. Some grandparents are anxious to jump in and get their hands dirty, and others prefer to give their support from afar. When grandparents are present and participate in the lives of their grandbabies, there are often points at which the grandparents and their own children will disagree on how a baby should be raised. This is a power dynamic that many growing families may not have experienced before. So how do you handle those disagreements or differences of opinions with your…

  • Is this labor?

    Episode 3: Is This Labor?

    Is this labor? This is one of the most common questions doulas receive from our clients. From Braxton-hicks to spotting to irregular contractions, how labor may begin is as varied as the person having a baby. Yet, understanding the overall labor process and the stages of labor can help growing families assess where they may be in the overall labor process. While early labor is often the longest part of labor, it is also where contractions are further apart, shorter, and less painful. This stage often results in the question, “Is this labor?” Active labor is where things start to happen. Contractions are coming closer together, are more predictable, last…

  • Infant Feeding

    Episode 2: Infant Feeding

    As doulas and lactation professionals, we support client choice. The decision surrounding infant feeding is as individual and unique as you are. When choosing how to feed your baby, there are countless options. Breastfeeding, formula feeding, combination feeding, the list goes on and on. The decision that you will make will depend on many factors. Do you need to return to work? How much time off will you have before returning to work? Will you be a stay-at-home parent? No matter your choice when it comes to feeding your baby, there is often judgment and criticism. Yet as birth professionals, we recognize that the decision for how you will feed…

  • Episode 1: Why Hire A Doula?

    One of the most frequent questions we are asked is, “Why should I hire a doula?” Usually, our response is, “Do you want the short answer or the long one?” As labor and postpartum doulas, our goal is support. Supporting our clients through pregnancy, birth, and into the world of parenting your new baby. Some clients come to us seeking emotional support. Others want to know all the information and all the options that exist. Then we have clients looking for a warm and friendly person to help guide them through the process. A person focused on the emotional impact these transformative events bring. When choosing a doula, you’ll know…