• Episode 7: Five Common Doula Myths

    Ask 10 people about doulas, and you’ll likely hear at least one of the common doula myths among the responses. Doulas are like midwives. They are only for those who plan to have an unmedicated birth. Doulas hate hospitals and doctors. The possibilities are endless. While some of the myths may apply to some doulas because they had to start somewhere, right? There are far more doulas today that do not fit these common myths and stereotypes. In this episode, we address five of the most common doula myths: I have a supportive partner; I don’t need a doula. Doulas are the same as midwives. Doulas can’t support those who…

  • Episode 5: Choosing A Prenatal Care Provider

    One of the first decisions you make when you find out you are pregnant is who you will hire as your prenatal care provider. For some, an established relationship with a trusted gynecologist may make this an easy choice. Others may find themselves searching for the perfect provider to provide their prenatal care and to facilitate their birth. You may have a preference for an obstetrician, or perhaps you prefer a midwife. Regardless of your choice, the individual you pick will significantly influence where you will give birth and what options are available to you as you navigate pregnancy and birth. As doulas, we recommend giving some thought to what…