Episode 19: Creating a VBAC Plan
In many communities, those who desire a VBAC or vaginal birth after cesarean can face many obstacles and challenges. For some, the biggest challenge is finding a care provider who is supportive of vaginal birth after cesarean. For others finding a birth location can be a major obstacle. Knowing that you have support is the most important factor in going into a VBAC with confidence—support from your partner, family, friends and your provider. There are many facets to consider when creating a plan for vaginal birth after cesarean. Hiring a doula for support is one way to ensure you are aware of all the options for your birth. Join us…
Episode 14: What to Pack for Your Birth
As doulas one of the most common questions get is, “What should I pack for birth?” A quick google will result in countless lists that recommend all the things that you should have on hand for your birth. However, if you ask the parents what they actually use once their baby is born, the list of what they take is drastically longer than what they used. Overpacking is common. We get it. You want to make sure you have everything you might possibly need. However, the reality is that the things you need can fit into two backpacks or small duffle bags. We recommend a different approach to pack for…
Episode 13: Fear of Giving Birth
The fear of giving birth is a common experience for expecting families. However, it’s a fear that isn’t often vocalized. Far too often, those who are pregnant are hesitant to express their feelings surrounding birth. Oftentimes this is rooted in a fear that no one will understand. Or concern that their feelings may be invalidated. As doulas, talking about the common fears surrounding childbirth is a common part of our practice. There are 5 common fears that we often hear growing families express: Perineal tearing or trauma during birth Something bad will happen to themselves or the baby Birth takes a different path than they were expecting Not being able…
Episode 12: Postpartum Planning
As you prepare for the birth of your baby, a lot of your focus is on creating a plan for labor and delivery. What is often overlooked is developing a plan for your recovery and transition into life with your new baby. Postpartum planning is the process of assessing your needs and resources during the days and weeks after birth. This process goes far beyond who will be responsible for doing the dishes or walking the dogs. This in-depth process can help growing families turn a time of exhaustion and confusion into a time of nurturing, bonding, and intentional recovery. From meal planning and housekeeping. Prepping your home to facilitate…
Episode 7: Five Common Doula Myths
Ask 10 people about doulas, and you’ll likely hear at least one of the common doula myths among the responses. Doulas are like midwives. They are only for those who plan to have an unmedicated birth. Doulas hate hospitals and doctors. The possibilities are endless. While some of the myths may apply to some doulas because they had to start somewhere, right? There are far more doulas today that do not fit these common myths and stereotypes. In this episode, we address five of the most common doula myths: I have a supportive partner; I don’t need a doula. Doulas are the same as midwives. Doulas can’t support those who…
Episode 3: Is This Labor?
Is this labor? This is one of the most common questions doulas receive from our clients. From Braxton-hicks to spotting to irregular contractions, how labor may begin is as varied as the person having a baby. Yet, understanding the overall labor process and the stages of labor can help growing families assess where they may be in the overall labor process. While early labor is often the longest part of labor, it is also where contractions are further apart, shorter, and less painful. This stage often results in the question, “Is this labor?” Active labor is where things start to happen. Contractions are coming closer together, are more predictable, last…
Episode 1: Why Hire A Doula?
One of the most frequent questions we are asked is, “Why should I hire a doula?” Usually, our response is, “Do you want the short answer or the long one?” As labor and postpartum doulas, our goal is support. Supporting our clients through pregnancy, birth, and into the world of parenting your new baby. Some clients come to us seeking emotional support. Others want to know all the information and all the options that exist. Then we have clients looking for a warm and friendly person to help guide them through the process. A person focused on the emotional impact these transformative events bring. When choosing a doula, you’ll know…