Postpartum Reality
Episodes,  postpartum expectations vs reality,  postpartum planning,  Postpartum Support

Episode 20: Postpartum Expectations vs. Realities

For many families, the expectations for how the postpartum period will unfold is vastly different than the reality.

Social media often shows beautiful nurseries, blissful moments with a newborn, and a perfectly well-kept home and family. However, for most families, their reality is vastly different. It’s difficult to remember that social media typically only shows the best moments of someone’s life.

What these images fail to show is the postpartum reality for many, including the pile of laundry in the corner, the sink full of dishes, and wearing the same clothes for three days that might be stinky and covered in body fluids.

Life at home with a new baby is full of challenges many families may not expect. Challenges such as exhaustion, navigating caring for older children, or worrying about falling asleep and not hearing your baby cry. Join us as we take a look at the expectations vs realities of postpartum recovery.