• VBAC Support

    Episode 19: Creating a VBAC Plan

    In many communities, those who desire a VBAC or vaginal birth after cesarean can face many obstacles and challenges. For some, the biggest challenge is finding a care provider who is supportive of vaginal birth after cesarean. For others finding a birth location can be a major obstacle. Knowing that you have support is the most important factor in going into a VBAC with confidence—support from your partner, family, friends and your provider. There are many facets to consider when creating a plan for vaginal birth after cesarean. Hiring a doula for support is one way to ensure you are aware of all the options for your birth. Join us…

  • internal fetal monitoring

    Episode 18: Internal Fetal Monitoring

    There are many options for monitoring the health and well-being of the baby during labor. External monitors monitor the baby’s heart rate from the outside. Internal fetal monitoring records the baby’s heart rate from the inside. When there are concerns about how the baby responds to labor, an internal monitor called a fetal scalp electrode is often used. Internal monitoring is a method of monitoring a baby from the inside. It’s also a more accurate method of monitoring the beat-to-beat variability of the baby’s heart rate during labor. As doulas, we don’t subscribe to the philosophy that all intervention is bad. As a result, we see the internal fetal monitor as…

  • Episode 15: Decision-making for Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond

     Decision-making surrounding pregnancy, labor, and birth is often the first introduction to major life decisions many individuals will experience. For many, this will be the first time they are responsible for making major decisions for someone other than themself. As doulas, we understand your decisions do not happen in a vacuum. Your life experiences and personality strongly influence how and why you will make decisions about caring for yourself and your baby. There are four basic ways that most people come to a decision. Some will rely on research and the best evidence available. Others will purely rely on their gut and intuition and where it leads. The opinions…

  • Episode 13: Fear of Giving Birth

    The fear of giving birth is a common experience for expecting families. However, it’s a fear that isn’t often vocalized. Far too often, those who are pregnant are hesitant to express their feelings surrounding birth. Oftentimes this is rooted in a fear that no one will understand. Or concern that their feelings may be invalidated. As doulas, talking about the common fears surrounding childbirth is a common part of our practice. There are 5 common fears that we often hear growing families express: Perineal tearing or trauma during birth Something bad will happen to themselves or the baby Birth takes a different path than they were expecting Not being able…

  • Episode 8: Postpartum Doulas – What do they do?

    Postpartum doulas are innovators of support and masters of adaptability. The particular challenges your family may face after birth are as varied as you are. But there are commonalities amongst the families we work with. As postpartum doulas, we have the experience and resources to help you and your family find the path of least resistance as you recover from birth and navigate life with your new baby. Your postpartum doula can minimize stress and frustration and increase confidence. We focus on your bond with your baby and how you are handling this transition into life with this new tiny human. We often receive calls from growing families who ask:…

  • Episode 7: Five Common Doula Myths

    Ask 10 people about doulas, and you’ll likely hear at least one of the common doula myths among the responses. Doulas are like midwives. They are only for those who plan to have an unmedicated birth. Doulas hate hospitals and doctors. The possibilities are endless. While some of the myths may apply to some doulas because they had to start somewhere, right? There are far more doulas today that do not fit these common myths and stereotypes. In this episode, we address five of the most common doula myths: I have a supportive partner; I don’t need a doula. Doulas are the same as midwives. Doulas can’t support those who…

  • Episode 5: Choosing A Prenatal Care Provider

    One of the first decisions you make when you find out you are pregnant is who you will hire as your prenatal care provider. For some, an established relationship with a trusted gynecologist may make this an easy choice. Others may find themselves searching for the perfect provider to provide their prenatal care and to facilitate their birth. You may have a preference for an obstetrician, or perhaps you prefer a midwife. Regardless of your choice, the individual you pick will significantly influence where you will give birth and what options are available to you as you navigate pregnancy and birth. As doulas, we recommend giving some thought to what…