• Postpartum Reality

    Episode 20: Postpartum Expectations vs. Realities

    For many families, the expectations for how the postpartum period will unfold is vastly different than the reality. Social media often shows beautiful nurseries, blissful moments with a newborn, and a perfectly well-kept home and family. However, for most families, their reality is vastly different. It’s difficult to remember that social media typically only shows the best moments of someone’s life. What these images fail to show is the postpartum reality for many, including the pile of laundry in the corner, the sink full of dishes, and wearing the same clothes for three days that might be stinky and covered in body fluids. Life at home with a new baby…

  • internal fetal monitoring

    Episode 18: Internal Fetal Monitoring

    There are many options for monitoring the health and well-being of the baby during labor. External monitors monitor the baby’s heart rate from the outside. Internal fetal monitoring records the baby’s heart rate from the inside. When there are concerns about how the baby responds to labor, an internal monitor called a fetal scalp electrode is often used. Internal monitoring is a method of monitoring a baby from the inside. It’s also a more accurate method of monitoring the beat-to-beat variability of the baby’s heart rate during labor. As doulas, we don’t subscribe to the philosophy that all intervention is bad. As a result, we see the internal fetal monitor as…

  • Maternal Mental Health

    Episode 16: Maternal Mental Health Awareness

    May is Maternal Mental Health Awareness Month. This month we direct awareness and recognition to those affected by perinatal mood and anxiety disorders. When discussing maternal health, the conversation tends to focus on postpartum depression. However, mood disorders can happen well before the post-birth period. For some, depression and anxiety may begin during pregnancy. Those with a history of depression and anxiety before pregnancy are at an increased risk of perinatal mood and anxiety disorders. Approximately 20% of those who have given birth recently, or 1.3 million individuals each year, will suffer from a postpartum mood disorder, according to Postpartum Progress.  In fact, postpartum anxiety may be more common than…

  • Episode 13: Fear of Giving Birth

    The fear of giving birth is a common experience for expecting families. However, it’s a fear that isn’t often vocalized. Far too often, those who are pregnant are hesitant to express their feelings surrounding birth. Oftentimes this is rooted in a fear that no one will understand. Or concern that their feelings may be invalidated. As doulas, talking about the common fears surrounding childbirth is a common part of our practice. There are 5 common fears that we often hear growing families express: Perineal tearing or trauma during birth Something bad will happen to themselves or the baby Birth takes a different path than they were expecting Not being able…

  • Episode 11: Induction of Labor

    Induction of labor is a topic that many of our clients bring to their doulas, especially as the due date grows closer. Induction of labor can happen for two reasons. Some indications are necessary for medical reasons, and others happen due to the ability to schedule the day the labor will begin. When induction is medically necessary, there are some factors to consider. The Bishop’s score will indicate whether the chance of the induction is likely to result in success. When the Bishop’s score is not determined to be favorable for induction, cervical ripening is the first step. There are two methods to approach cervical ripening. One that involves medications.…